Sax Man

February 28, 2017 | Abram's Nation

IMG952556I was holding up my phone in a sea of eager, impatient parents also holding up their devices in the auditorium. We were jockeying for position. Trying to get the perfect view of our blossoming musicians from the stage. All etiquette be dammed we would have the memory of our little maestros captured for posterity.  Only my focus was on Abram who is learning how to play the sax.

Abram has been anticipating this moment for months. He has been diligently practicing his music at school and at home getting ready for his time in the spotlight. His saxophone expertly slung around his neck he exudes confidence in the performance he is about to play in.  I’m also confident flush with parental pride that he has chosen music as a means to express his creativity.

Abram bounces with excitement from his chair eager to get started. Coming together with his classmates and being a part of a group fills him with joy. I am in awe that he is willing to share his musicality with everyone.  So happy that his creative side helps him speak to me and the world in a new way. Abram finishes his song and triumphantly raises the sax in the air like a prizefighter who has scored a knockout blow. He celebrates his victory and I do too. “Way to go, buddy.” “You nailed it!” I yell from my seat.  He grins from ear to ear.

It has been said that if you want to unlock a child’s mind give them creative expression in some form. I believe this is the same for adults, too. For Abram playing the sax ignited a new passion and reshaped his imagination. I think that as adults we may neglect our artistic sides with the busyness of the days, scurrying off to the next car pool or middle school band concert. All work and no play is no fun. Taking the time to play in our creative spaces refreshes the mind and spirit.  And like Abram, we can celebrate the moments of beauty in creativity. And elbow our neighbor out of the way during the concert for the money shot!