Keep Calm and Parent On!

February 2, 2018 | Abram's Nation

Abrams_PagePost_square_FebImagine a world where children could manage their stress in healthy ways.

Children who are able to self-regulate their emotions and actions are better able to pay attention, avoid distractions, and act and move with deliberation and purpose. They are in control. They are also, as considerable research has shown, much more likely to be successful in school.

What is self-regulation? Simply put, self-regulation is the difference between a two-year-old and a five-year-old, who is more capable in controlling their emotions. Helping kids who haven’t developed self-regulation skills at the typical age is the goal of parent training programs. And many older children, even if they’re beyond tantrums, continue to struggle with impulsive and inappropriate behavior.

Having a full arsenal of tools to help your child self-regulate will reinforce with them how to handle frustrations, daily. To help accomplish this we love the Fidget Folder.


This unique product is designed for individuals with special needs to help accomplish behavioral and physical goals. The Fidget Folder is customizable and features three different FOB’s (Fidget Object Bundles) which supports dressing skills along with motor and visual sensory.

The Dressing Folder – To complete the daily task of full functional dressing, requires various motor and visual coordination skills. The “Dressing” FOB’s can assist in teaching the developmental prerequisites necessary to improve fine motor and visual perceptual planning to promote successful independent dressing.

The Motor Sensory Folder – is designed for individuals that seek sensory feedback from various textures & textiles, as means to stimulate their senses and encourage creativity and exploration.

Sensory Motor FOB’s can also be used as motivational and recreational tools for reinforcement in therapy. Alternatively, FOB’s can be used to assist therapists in teaching tolerance to those with texture sensitivities.

The Visual Sensory Folder – is designed for individuals that seek sensory feedback from various lines, shapes and shadows as means to stimulate their senses and encourage creativity and exploration.

Visual Sensory FOB’s can also be used as motivational and recreational tools for reinforcement in therapy. Similarly, FOB’s can be used to assist therapists in teaching problem solving and cause and effect.

There is an arsenal of ways to teach a child to self-regulate. All children are unique and there’s not a one size fit all approach for attention and sensory issues.  Check out this free Sensory Strategies Poster by CurriculumForAutism which can be downloaded to print. We also found this awesome Autism Therapy Dice Game from The Son Rise Program® which helps children with learning numbers, colors, doing physical activities and taking turns.

Contact for more information about The Fidget Folder.

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